You reached this page because you started the process of renewing an EMNR membership, making a donation, or a similar transaction via PayPal, but cancelled the transaction on the PayPal side before completing the payment.
EMNR uses PayPal for payments and donations, as the most cost-effective service for our ministry. PayPal does not require users to have a separate “PayPal account” to make a payment or donation to EMNR.
If you are new to PayPal, it allows you to directly enter your credit card or debit card information to make a purchase. PayPal is a safe way to make payments using either debit or credit cards. Official PayPal summary on YouTube.
More experienced users will create a “PayPal account” which lets them have a “PayPal balance” in which charges never hit the credit card, debit card, or bank account, but only the PayPal account itself. This creates a buffer or “wall” between the merchant and your credit card, so the limit is on what the PayPal balance is, not what your credit limit is. See this brief summary on YouTube.
If you cancelled the transaction because of uncertainty, feel free to visit PayPal directly to set up an account.
If you cancelled the transaction accidentally, please return to the page to renew your membership.