Please use this form for the “Engage 2024” conference in Jacksonville, FL, on August 23-24, 2024. Workshops will be about 45 minutes long, plus 15 minutes for Q&A. Do not propose 2 workshops on the same form; use separate forms.

Contact Info

Enter your name as you want it to appear on the program
Neither your email address nor your phone number will appear in the program
If you have a professional or ministry web site that should be published in the program, enter it above. If you have more than one, separate them with a comma and a space.

Workshop Content

Title of the workshop for the program. Be clear; no vague or wordy titles, please.
In 70-100 words, describe what this workshop will be about, what attendees will learn, who should attend, why this topic is important or interesting, how you come to know about it, etc.
Give a brief bio of your background, beginning with your name as the first two words. About 70-100 words.
Do you have a visual presentation (PPT, video, etc.)?
Will you provide your own laptop for your presentation?
Laptop connections in the classrooms are VGA. If you do not have a VGA port, please bring your own adapter. If you have a MacBook, please bring an Apple brand adapter. If you do NOT have a visual presentation, enter "N/A".
Will you need audio for your presentation?
Your voice will be recorded but not amplified, except workshops in the main auditorium. Indicate Yes if you need amplification for your voice or for audio recordings.
Do we have your permission to audio and video record your presentation?
Do you have handouts for your presentation that need to be copied?
If copies need to be made, please give the host staff a clean version ready for photocopying as soon as you arrive on site.
Will you need a table and chair(s) for promotion in the exhibit area?
A table and one or two chairs for the exhibit area are available at no charge for workshop presenters.
What will you be displaying at your table?
Indicate if items are for free, for donation, or for sale. General categories like "books" or "DVDs" are okay. Indicate if 2 or more chairs are needed.
Will you attend both days of the conference?
Drop your files here or click here to upload You can upload up to 1 files.
Please attach a recent photo for the program and the web site advertising. All photos will be resized for consistency.

Please answer the simple math question above. Asterisk means "times" or "multiplied by" (Ă—), slash means "divided by."