EMNR members whose names, email addresses, or web sites are listed in the Members page may change or delete this information at any time. Contact the Executive Director via the Contact page.
If you give your name and address to EMNR, such as in a sign-up sheet or in a membership application, your information will never be given or sold to to another organization, including organizations who are members of EMNR. If we think your name or email address is false or used for spam, we will discard it without trying to notify you.
Group mailing
We may contact you by email to tell you about our annual conference. It occurs only once a year, so you will not be contacted very often. EMNR uses Mailchimp to send custom emails to our contacts, members, and friends. If you are a member, Mailchimp will inform you that it's time to renew your membership.
If you ever wish to be dropped from our mailing list, please let us know. We will send confirmation when it has been done.