Do not use this form to join EMNR for the first time.
Membership term. Membership is from January 1 to December 31 of each year. You may automatically renew each year.
Membership list. Our web site lists members at, even if their dues are not current. If you do not have a username and password to this web site, please join as a “new” member, so we can get EMNR membership and web site subscribers in sync.
Price. Individual memberships are $25 each year. The IRS counts membership dues as a service, not a donation, so you will not receive a receipt at year-end, except for donations. Ministries should renew as corporate members, not as individuals.
Zeffy automatically adds a small donation (to them) on top of your dues, which you can change. If you don’t want to add a tip for this service, set it to zero.